Monday, February 7, 2011

And We're Having A...

See his lil' boy parts?! Isn't it cute?! And just to give you folks another dose of cuteness, here's a great 3D ultrasound picture...
That's our baby!
On another note, I was at the doctor today and I have gained a grand total of 6 lbs! haha. I know that doesn't sound like much now that I'm 25 weeks and 3 days today but considering I had lost weight during the first trimester, I guess this is a good sign. I think it's all in the belly. I'm getting a little rotund.The doctor measured my belly today and it's measuring just right but I don't look prego from the back. It's pretty cool.

I'm feeling movement a lot these days and so has Daddy and Grandma. Daddy and I have taken to playing classical music before bed and Peanut tends to move a lot while the music is on. Then Daddy and I started playing 90's alternative music which we did enjoy immensely. We think Peanut did too since he was bouncing around a lot more to Pearl Jam and Radiohead. We're going to try a little Bob Marley soon. Let's see how that goes. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Shopping for Baby Clothes

Okay we know it's a little early to be shopping but these were so cute we couldn't resist! Daddy picked these out for Peanut. Now if only we could find teeny weeny Derrick Rose jerseys...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Meeting Mr. (or Miss) Peanut

"Say hello to my little friend."
- Al Pacino as Tony Montana in Scarface

Sunday, November 7, 2010

From Pruney-rooney to Plummie

The book 'What To Expect When You're Expecting' says that at 12 weeks the baby is now about the size of a large plum.

I think that's better than 2 weeks ago when the book said the baby was as big as a prune. I kept picturing a prune with little arms and legs like this guy here.
Okay, I know he's a raisin but that's close enough.
Baby Daddy (who's also the hubby, let's be clear about that :P) kept calling the baby Pruney-rooney. Now he's calling the baby Plummie.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Big News!

Hello friends and family!

Guess who's...

We are currently 11 weeks and 2 days into the pregnancy :) Daddy has been eating enough for two while Mommy has been eating spaghetti with meat sauce for the past two weeks in between bouts of queasiness. We have been to our first OB appointment and came home with our first baby picture courtesy of the nice ultrasound technician.

We will be posting updates as the pregnancy goes along so join us as we continue our journey to populate Buycotown (Daddy's words.)
